Something is coming.
You found it! Welcome to a new blog, which will hopefully become one that you regularly visit!
As you've probably read in the About Me section, I am starting a blog that actually provides value to you, as the reader.
Whether you're an IT Professional, just starting out, purely interested in tech, or want something different to read; welcome!
Cloud and Clarity
Ghost, the hosting provider I am using to write this blog on, has been exceptionally easy to setup. However, they needed a name. Those of you who know me, know that I'm not creative, so, thanks to Copilot; we ended up with Cloud and Clarity.
Pretty good, I'd say. This blog will centre on new product updates, news from the Microsoft & MSP channel, along with real-world scenarios that I face!
As the title suggests, this blog will provide clarity, within the cloud. Hopefully.
Oh, one more thing, I'm still working out what and how I want to blog, so feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn to look at my recent posts.